The conservation of cultural heritage is a cultural problem. Restoration is not a recipe, but depends on an appropriate understanding of the values contained in the heritage resource.

-Jukka Jokilehto

Scholarship in memory of Jukka Jokilehto

To remember Jukka and honour his legacy, you can make a donation to the ICCROM scholarship fund. Your generosity will contribute to the growth of knowledge in preserving cultural heritage. Payment in EURO, may be sent to:

F.A.O. Branch N. 06825 - Rome
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome - Italy
Bank Coordinates (ABI) (C.A.B.): 03069 03356
Account #: 157448901-92 in EURO
Swift Code or BIC: BCITITMM
European Bank Coord. (IBAN): IT74 T030 6903 3560 1574 4890 192
Reference: Jukka Jokilehto memorial scholarship (please also indicate the name of the sender)

The policy of conservation involves making interventions at various scales and levels of intensity; these are determined by the physical condition, causes of deterioration and anticipated future environment of the cultural resource under treatment. Each case must be considered as a whole, and individually, taking all factors into account.

-Jukka Jokilehto